Tune2 Sync
Setup Instructions
Get setup and running in minutes.
Tune2 Sync is a PC-based desktop application for synchronizing the Tune2 app for xLights (xSchedule), Falcon Player (FPP), and Light-O-Rama (LOR). Tune2 Sync requires a computer running Windows 10 or higher 64-bit operating system. The application is currently in BETA and free to use for residential displays. For commercial displays, please email us at office@tune2.app.​

Please follow the instructions below to use Tune2 Sync. The process is simple and you can be up and running in a few minutes. If you have any questions or run into issues, please email us at help@tune2.app.
Step 2:
Create a new show and retrieve your Tune2 API key
Once logged in, you'll be brought to the My Shows section. Click the Create New Show button.
A new window will appear whereby you can enter show information such as the name, address, web site, and other information.
Only name is required as the other features are optional. Once done, click Save and the show will appear with a 4-digit show code from the My Shows section. Make note of this Show Code, we'll use it in a later step.

For the next step, click API Key from the left-side menu. If this is your first time you need to generate an API key, click on Revoke & Generate New button and copy this to your clipboard. If you've already generated an API key, click on Reveal API Key button and copy this to your clipboard. We'll use this in a later step. Note: Keep this security key private, it is used to prevent other users from controlling or playing your show.

Note: After you are setup and running, make sure to come back and check out the cool back-end Tune2 Admin's features such as branding, videos, reporting, collaborators and more! Plus, you can create as many shows and brands as you want.
Step 3:
Install and open Tune2 Sync and select your lights show system.
(A) Download Tune2 Sync and install on your Windows PC. Tune2 Sync requires Windows 10 or higher 64-bit operating system. Tune2 Sync also works in most Windows virtual machine environments.
(B) Open the Tune2 Sync application by double-clicking the Tune2 Sync icon on your desktop. The Tune2 Sync application will launch as it shows below. Select your lights show system (xSchedule, FPP or LOR). Note: Please ensure your lights show player is NOT open or running during this step.

Tune2 Sync can be installed and running on the same computer as xSchedule or LOR. You may also use a separate computer with just Tune2 Sync installed. Tune2 Sync must be running on a computer with Internet access and connected to the same network and IP subnet (or has the appropriate IP network routes) as the lights show system (xSchedule, LOR, or FPP) you are using.
Please disable any Antivirus software that you may have running during the setup process. After setup, please setup Exclusions within your Antivirus software excluding the Program Files \ Tune2 Sync folder and sub-folders paths; plus the Tune2Sync.exe and PlaylistProcessor.exe files and processes.
Step 4:
Enter your show code, API key, and setup your lights show system.
(A) Click on the Settings button and enter your 4-digit Tune2 Show Code and Tune2 Access Key (API Key) as shown below from a previous step. Press Save for each setting after you have changed it.
Note: All settings are saved in a configuration file in your Program Files > Tune2 Sync folder directory. The next time you open the program, the settings will be retrieved from this file.

​(B) While you are still in the Settings menu, please follow the instructions below for completing the Tune2 Sync setup for your appropriate lights show player / control / scheduler system.
​IP Address & IP Port
Ensure the IP Address and IP Port entered in these fields are correct. If the IP address or port shown is different from the one you're using, update it in the appropriate field and press Save button. Note: The IP address is represents the localhost or the local computer. They have been set to correspond to the default of the lights show system selected.
Show Audio Path (xSchedule & LOR only)
Enter in this field the correct full path (without trailing "\" backslash at the end) to the media files used for your show and press Save button.
Show Sequences Path (xSchedule & LOR only)
Enter in this field the correct full path (without trailing "\" backslash at the end) to the sequence/show files (.fseq files for xSchedule and .loredit files for LOR) used for your show and press Save button.
All other settings should only be changed at the direction of a Tune2 Support representative. Changing these ​​settings can have dramatic impact on the performance and audio delay latency of Tune2.
The light show player / scheduler system being used must be setup for "static" playlist of sequences. More advanced and "dynamic" type playlists (ie. Remote Falcon) may be supported in the future.​
Supports xLights (xSchedule) 2024 for Windows or higher - No changes should be required. To verify or change the IP port being used, goto Edit > Options within xSchedule. To launch Tune 2 Sync from xSchedule loading, goto Plugins > Tune2 Sync within xSchedule. Note: You can test the IP address and port, by going to http://{IP address}:{IP port}/xScheduleWeb in your local web browser, if correct the xSchedule Web interface should appear.
Supports Falcon Player (FPP) 7 or higher - No changes should be required. To verify or change FPP's IP address and port being used, goto Status/Control > Network.
Supports Light-O-Rama (LOR) S6 v6.2.4 or higher - You must enable REST API interface from LOR Control Panel > Settings > Integration. LOR's default IP port for REST API is 8001. Note: The LOR Director hardware cannot be supported because it's a standalone hardware only system.​
Step 5:
Processs your playlist and audio to the Tune2 servers.
In order for the Tune2 app to play the audio for audience users, we need to process and upload the playlist and audio to the Tune2 servers. All standard media file formats for audio and video are now supported.
(A) Open your lights show player (xSchedule, FPP or LOR) and play your playlist. The Tune2 Sync application will display the current playlist, sequence, sync time, and Playing status as shown below.

(B) Press the Process Soundtrack button. A small console command window will appear. This may take several minutes as the playlist and media files are processed and sent to the Tune2 servers. Once done, this window will automatically close on its own. This step is now complete and your Tune2 system is now ready to go.
Note: Currently, if your playlist changes or you choose a new playlist, you must manually run this process again by pressing the Process Soundtrack button. Tune2Sync v1.4.1 now supports Automated Playlist Processing, please make sure you have it Enabled under Settings menu, by checking the Auto Playlist Processing Enabled box.

Note: If you run into any errors, please close the window and try again. If you become stuck, please email us at help@tune2.app.
Step 6:
Let's give it a test drive!
You are done setting up Tune2 Sync and your first show. To give it a test drive, let's perform the following steps.​​
(A) Download the Tune2 app or listen on the web at web.tune2.app/{showcode}.
Note: We also have a convenient download URL and QR code you can advertise to your audience that brings them directly into the show once the app is downloaded. You can use this only for new users of Tune2. You can access this by clicking the Actions drop-down from the My Shows section of admin.tune2.app. We also offer a QR code for the 4-digit show code.
(B) Enter or scan the show code into the Tune2 app.
(C) Press Listen to Show on the app.
(D) From your show player, start playing your show. The Tune2 app will play in sync with your lights show system. Any pausing, stopping, or looping of your playlist will remain in sync.
Thanks for setting up Tune2 and if you have any questions, feedback, or feature requests, please contact us at help@tune2.app.
Also note that a nice benefit of Tune2 is if the user minimizes the app or locks the phone, the audio will continue to play either on the app or website. There is also no buffering between songs as the playback is smooth and continuous. Our system is also 100% legal as we remit all royalty and license information to BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. Make sure to check out the really cool features of our admin.tune2.app back end including branding skins, show QR codes, marketing videos, reporting, collaborators, and other cool features.